Welcome to a Different World

Our mission is to assist you in extending the boundaries of your comfort zone, to help you set foot on new terrain, form connections with novel faces, and immerse yourself in a variety of life experiences.

Consider our website a digital portal to these adventures.

Within the confines of this website, you will encounter an array of unique enclaves: from hacker spaces filled with digital pioneers, to art residencies nurturing innovative expressions, intentional communities fostering shared principles, and eco-villages embodying sustainable living.

These communities embody a diverse range of ethos, some embracing an anti-capitalistic stance, others looking toward a Protopian future, or fervently promoting environmental consciousness and radical self-reliance.

And if you're pondering how best to traverse this varied landscape, we've got you covered. Here, we offer you a practical guide to effectively navigate and immerse yourself in these alternative communities.

Step 1, Find Your Tribe

Let your intuition select the communities that speak to you. Remember vibe check is very important, if the website doesn’t speak to you, don’t talk to them. Make sure that you’ve connected with someone from the communities and asked for the ins & outs (toilets, showers, payments, internet, kitchen, transportation, cult-alikeness, etc…)

Step 2, Pack Your Bags

This is no ordinary packing list. Each community has its specific necessities. Remember, we're aiming for simplicity and practicality. Pack what you need, not what you want. A bit like reorganizing a cluttered library, think about what's essential and what's just dust.

Step 3, Connect & Embrace

Don't just observe from the sidelines, listen to your inner FOMO and jump into the mix! Attend events, take part in workshops, and engage with the locals. You've come here to experience something different, so don't hesitate. The people here could be a new family, just waiting to be discovered.

Step 4, Leave if in Danger

While we encourage you to explore new horizons, we're also advocates of safety. If a situation feels uncomfortable or unsafe, it's important to trust your instincts and leave. There's a vast directory of communities waiting for you. So if one doesn't fit, don't hesitate to look for another.

If you sense that you are not allowed to leave, leave immediately.

Step 5, Share & Reintegrate

After you've experienced life in an alternative community, don't forget to bring your stories and insights back to your old family and friends! As you reintegrate into your daily life, remember the lessons learned and carry the spirit of the tribe with you, wherever you may go.