Protopia is a term coined by the futurist Kevin Kelly, which refers to a state of constant becoming, a destination that is always in the process of being created. Unlike utopia, which is a static and idealized society, Protopia is a dynamic and constantly evolving state.

Not a Utopia — A Constant Improvement of Status Quo

It’s ok to make mistakes, let’s see how we can do it better next time.

[Insert graph of Utopia, Now, Dystopia and Protopia, upward and downward spiral]

In Protopia, there is no final destination or perfect society to strive for. Instead, we embrace the idea that progress and change are constant, better worlds are created out of continuous learning and adaptation, and that we must be willing to experiment, take risks, and learn from our failures in order to continue moving forward.

Where to Find Protopias?

Personal > Communal > Societal

Our world is a macrocosm made of many microcosms. Just like how healthy cells make up healthy proteins, healthy proteins make up healthy organs, which make up a healthy body. The Protopia concept can be found across all spectrums at all scales.

Personal Protopia — From Self Development to Transformative Actions

Communal Protopia — Every Relationship is a Micro State Experiment

Societal Protopia — Collective Actions on Broader Scales