Questions to Research:

  1. What are the best resources about taking care of ourselves holistically?
  2. What are the frameworks of coordination & corporation that think about our world as a whole? (Concept of no waste, Omni-win, eliminating negative externalities, system change and paradigm shift)
  3. How can we build a home for these resources to co-exist, bridge the world of holistic wellness healing (the feminine solution) and systematic change making (the masculine solution) ?
  4. Creating a Crypto Passport/Presence
  5. Find Crypto Communities (Coins/DAO) that align with our mission for startup funding, like Gitcoin, Etherium and Dao.
  6. Which funding system is best for us? Direct, Quadratic, retroactive?
  7. Check out Colinks, SpeedrunEtherum and cordinate
  8. How to become a Discord member of Green Pill?
  9. There are different Phases to the Project, each Phase could have separate funding after completion. I think we still need to do the Companions first and with that build a presence and trust for the larger Agatha Project, and even building a, Eco Solar Punk Village on my property, within City Limits, minutes to Portland International Airport, seconds to walk to public transportation
  10. Workshops to funding
  11. Substack

Notes after Research:

  1. Our mission: We are Pioneers in Bridging the gap between Cypto and Earth (Humanity) by creating and providing an authentic connection, Education and Care (Self Care, Mindfulness, Tutorship, Retreats and Workshops). Providing hope and faith within the unknown.
  2. What value can we can provide in the digital world of AI? What are the things that humanity has to offer, that cannot be replaced by AI? See mission statement above.
  3. With Agatha we have the opportunity to create a degeneralized “Nation” or “Society” by connecting likeminded and providing value to the community. Instead of just having a map of communities, it could be a map of members and their locations, that could meet up if close by. (I do realize that there are plenty of this aps out, but maybe not so much in the crypto world? )