The general applications of artificial intelligence have become so much more democratized in the past… 6 months. From openAI’s ChatGPT to MidJourney and StableDiffusion.

People are fearful —— as we should be, we are scared that AI will take away jobs, will create more scarcity for mega-cooperations, and allow the upper class and wealthy nation-states to dominate fully over the less fortunate.

But what if the emergence of AI is an opportunity for a new wave of innovations to come? What if when these models become so small and refined, they can help really leverage indie creators to be able to compete with massive conglomerates?

[img of a warrior battling a dragon]

Solarpunk is all about self-reliance, holistic environmental design, and cooperativism, with the help of artificial intelligence, maybe all of these dreams can come true a lot faster than we think!

So… reality aside, here’s a speculative fiction of an AI-enabled Solarpunk future!

Empowering Individuals

Enabling Collectivism

Democratized advanced tools enable individual sovereignty to create and collaborate.

Smart Technology

Using smart technology to assign and conserve energy usage

Implementing reliable data to alleviate manual labor of permaculture planting